About Us

About Shilpayan

A 8 years old child studying in Vengurla, small village in India, when first time he took the clay in hand, no one ever thought that he would take it as his profession. But the child held the clay firmly. He shaped it and sooner the clay turned to Idol Ganesh. The moment is when, Lord Ganesh, the God of Art blessed the child. 8 years age was so crucial to understand the profession then, still the child was determined. For the whole academic school career he had the same determination in his mind.

But mere determination never helps to shape the career. The most important is the “GUIDE” who can show you the right path, who takes you to the way. The child was fortunate enough that his uncle, who was the maestro in the same field. The great sculptor, the renowned name in Monumental Sculptures Late Shri V. V. Manjrekar, [photo] (Ex-Dean, at Sir J.J, school of Art) silently observed the kid growing with the clay in his hand. No sooner the boy completed his school life, Professor Manjrekar could persuaded his parents and took him to Mumbai. His parents had the faith on Professor Manjrekar and finally, in 1982, teenager village boy Sachin was admitted to Sir J J School of Art Mumbai for the methodological sculpture education. While everyone in his group was enjoying the college life, the teenage celebrations after the college time, Sachin was busy assisting Professor Manjrekar at his studio in Andheri. Sachin was totally awed with his sculptures. He was completely devoted to his work. This was the time when, Uncle’s statues were shaped up and so as Sachin’s career simultaneously. By the time, in college, he got recognition and awards too.

1987, Sachin Mhapankar, G.D.Art, was now the Sculptor from Sir J.J. School of Art. Immediately after the graduation, for professional experience and offcourse for bread and butter he started working with Pedar Enterprises, the renowned Ceramic house, as a Junior Modeler in the department of Product Development.

In 1988, his career took a swing. The totally new concept of amusement industry was introduced in India that time. It was Essel World, the new breakthrough in whole new world of excitement. Sachin stepped into Essel world’s studio. From the Foundation Stone at Essel World to the completion of Water Kingdom, Sachin Mhapankar was the key person at studio department. Looking to the new developments, he always initiated with the team to persuade the management goals. The exposure to the new things, opening to the new fields, variety mediums of sculptures, interacting with overseas delegates, the vast new know-how, actually added into his professional knowledge and experience.

1997, He got the first ever independent business assignment from Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (BMC) for garbage garland concept. He designed and developed FRP NIRMALYA KALASH for the first time. That was inaugurated by Chief Minister then, Shri Manohar Joshi.

The thirst of new achievements and horizons could not let Sachin to continue with the same patterned job. In 2002, he left his 15 years of service and started with SHILPAYAN full-fledged. SHILPAYAN, a pioneer in sculptures is now more than a decade old and stepped in many new horizons. Besides of routine metal statues and POP sculptures, SHILPAYAN stepped into new industries called Fibre Industry. With monumental sculptures, traditional murals, metal statues, we give support to amusement industries, building and architectural forms, corporate sectors, and many more. We are into domestic and overseas markets as well. Our products are exported in Europe countries as well.

Sachin & his wife Anuradha (poetess and writer- professionally graduate in financial management) have shaped up SHILPAYAN. And as our tag line suggests, at SHILPAYAN, we shape your idea.


Come on .. Give us your idea.. and Experience it once.. !

Our Process

  • Meet & Agree
  • Idea & Concept
  • Design & Create
  • Build & Deliver

We understand the importance,…… the anticipation and aspirations that a client may have attached to a PROJECT … Hence we always start with a meet that helps us understand…… “the mindset behind the brief”……. ”The people behind the projects “……. “the need behind the question”……

Basically we meet to lay the seeds of a “great idea” however big or small the brief is, the idea is “the backbone“.

It’s as simple and as uncomplicated as “that” …..”an idea” which forms the basis of all interactions in design .. “an idea“ for “a brief” that could be as simple or as complicated as the basic atom or the universe.
…… “a roadmap or a strategic approach for someone to achieve a unique expectation” is the definition of design ,,,, and it is as simple as the definition. That’s the approach in “the content” …. “the tech”…… “the detail”….. and finally the product or project that we roll out from “our boards“
If we can’t manifest the ideas what good is the imagination…. Hence we work closely with a team of like-minded people who build “ the idea” we created in response to “ the brief” that came to us.